2025 Agent / Editor Manuscript Critiques
2025 Agent / Editor Manuscript Critiques
We know how important seeing the right agent, editor, or publisher can be, and that’s why we give you ample opportunity to meet them at network dinners, lunches, social gatherings, and classroom sessions. We also work within the changing schedules of agents, editors, and publishers. We have made every effort to give everyone their specific choices of Agent / Editor / Publisher Critiques, but have sometimes had to make changes in time slots or agents, editors, or publishers to accommodate logistics. Should you have a problem with any pairing, please contact us at contact@killernashville.com and we will make every effort to move you to a new time slot if space is available. Our goal is for you to reach your goals.
Killer Nashville offers manuscript critiques to its registered attendees for the low additional charge of $89 per critique.
A manuscript critique offers a specialized one-on-one meeting with a professional writer or literary agent who will read a section of your manuscript and then offer you a face-to-face analysis of what works and what does not in your submission. It is a unique opportunity and one of the features that makes The Killer Nashville Writers’ Conference such an indispensable tool for writers. If you want to see how your work appeals to the professionals, choose an agent or editor. If you prefer a more detailed craft analysis, you may prefer to choose an author for your critique.
Fiction Critique: A published author or agent will read and critique the first ten pages (or to the end of the chapter) of your novel. All manuscripts should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or other “reasonable” font.
Non-Fiction Critique: An publisher or agent will read and critique the first ten pages (or to the end of the chapter) of your non-fiction book or article. Your manuscript should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or other “reasonable” font.
Short Story Critique: A published author or agent will read and critique your short story (up to ten pages). All manuscripts should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or other “reasonable” font.
Query Critique: An agent, published author, or the leader of a query-writing workshop will read and critique your query letter. The query letter should be no more than one page long, in standard query format and in 12-point Times New Roman or other “reasonable font.”